Saturday, January 29, 2011

Leadership is 'Results' not 'Reasons' !

Greetings to you this Saturday Morning ! 
Generally the experience was people think 'reasons' rather than 'results' to be successful. 
"Leadership is not a private reserve of a few charismatic men and women. It's a process ordinary people use when they're bringing forth the best from themselves and others. Liberate the leader in everyone, and extraordinary things happen". - Jim Clemmer. Perfect, so short but smart definition of leadership. 
Leadership is a verb, not a noun. Leadership is action, not a position. Leadership is defined by what we do, not the role we are in. Some people in 'leadership roles' only can perform as leaders, they are 'bosses' not leaders. Conversely, many people who have no formal leadership role and yet are excellent leaders.  
The journey of personal growth means finding our own way around some key Leadership Principles : 
#  Choose Not to Lose. 
When we are faced with obstacles and failure, those who can overcome adversity and learn from their experiences, turning them into opportunities, are the ones who will be successful. 
#  Focus and Context - The core of my being. 
Where am I going? (my vision); What do I believe in? (my principles and values) and; Why do I exist? (my purpose or mission). 
#  Responsibility - ‘If it’s to be, it’s up to me’. 
Leadership means accepting responsibility for our choices in life. They refuse to succumb to the "Victimitus Virus" ("it's all their fault" and "there's nothing I can do"). 
#  Authenticity.
Leadership isn't just what we do, it's something that we are, which then drives what we do. Genuine leadership comes from within.
#  Passion and Commitment. 
Successful people are energized by a love for what they do because it brings them ever closer to who they are.
#  Mobilizing and Energizing. Putting emotions in motion. 
Leaders don't motivate with rewards and punishments. They engage people's hearts as well as their minds. They actively nurture the "being" or culture of the group, not just the "doing". 
The more the world changes, the more leadership principles stay the same. Leadership principles are timeless. And they apply to all of us, no matter what role we play in society or organizations. 
Make it a great week ahead ! 

1 comment:

Leadership For Results said...

I hope leaders who love to reason out can get to read this. It is about time they do something and not just sit around, watch things fail, and come up with good reasons why everything has happened.

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