Thursday, January 27, 2011

Understanding - 'The Meaning'

Greetings to you this Morning! 
Meaning is our personal reason for our existence. It’s a reason to wake up every morning. The meaning of life is to live a meaningful life, and our role gives us value and significance.
No role is too small; all roles are vital, and every role is an opportunity for someone to find meaning. It is not the nature of the role, but how we perform it that fills us with purpose. For instance; taking orders for food and serving it may be the job of a waiter, but putting people at ease, helping them make their selections, serving them courteously and promptly, and making their dining experience enjoyable is the mark of a professional, the mark of someone filled with purpose. It is this intention to serve others to the best of our ability that elevates even the simplest job into one of great dignity. It transforms a common task into an extraordinary event that touches the lives of others. So, it is not the nature of our job, but the nature of our attitude toward our job that makes our life worth living. 
Benjamin Franklin has said it wisely ~ “Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning”.
You see, it's never the environment; it's never the events of our lives, but the meaning we attach to the events - how we interpret them - that shapes who we are today and who we'll become tomorrow. Money & power, then, are not enough. We need meaning. 
Read about the Swimming Champion Olympian - Michael Phelps (, a 25 year old, a truly passionate swimmer, started at age of 7, reached at peak and still going strong with a sizable career span ahead in the life. Says, “I want to do something for my game, and share my knowledge”.
He reminds me of a famous quote by Victor Frank -  “People today have the means to live, but no meaning to live for..” 
Discover the real meaning of your life and become a Michael Phelps - Not just the best, but the best ever. 
Make it a great week ahead! 

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